How to calculate the time you need

Time Calculator

Loading Time

1-1.5 hrs.

1.5-2 hrs.

4-4.5 hrs.

4.5-5 hrs.

Vehicle Size

10 ft.

12-15 ft.

16-17 ft.

20-26 ft.

• Add 20% of the time for each floor or flight of stairs.

• Add 20% of the time for each 50 ft. of distance from door to ramp.

• Add 30% of the time for an elevator; do not add time per floor.

• Add 2-10 minutes per piece of disassembly.

• Add 1-5 minutes per unboxed item, open box, or poorly packaged item.


A 12 ft. truck, third floor, 75 ft. from the door, 10 unboxed items, 2 beds to take down

To load: (1 hr. + 36 min. + 12 min. + 10 min.) = 1h/58min

To unload, use the same equation again and multiply by 25%. This math is 90% effective. The largest factor which affects the time in an unpredictable way is the quality of the boxes and the way they are packed (a heavy-duty 18-inch square box can be full of no more than 80 lb). Moving boxes are different than other boxes. It's simply quicker to handle good boxes vs. not-so-good boxes. Additional time may be required if your move involves narrow hallways and/or tight staircases, disassembling and reassembling furniture, hoisting, and moving oversized, antique items, ones with glass and/or marble, appliances move, and items over 300lb. It is important to understand, that the move time will also depend on how well you are packed and organized: all drawers of all the furniture must be emptied and all miscellaneous items packed neatly into moving boxes of correct sizes.

Don't wait until the last minute!